
Home schooling in arizona
Home schooling in arizona

home schooling in arizona

Of note: I encourage all homeschoolers to prepare your student for college, even if they think they do not want to attend. If you lack any of these suggested classes, you may still be able to get into a college, but might have a “deficiency” that might require either a certain SAT/ACT/CLEP score or a class at the community college. It is imperative that your transcript is an honest evaluation. If the students are college bound, they need to look at the requirements for the specific colleges they are considering. If your child is not college bound, you might not need the foreign language, and the math can include consumer math or business math. 2-3 years of social studies (4 is better).This is the traditional standard for a high school diploma. If you are starting or in the midst of high school, you will want to think through what you think are the minimum requirements for you to award your student a diploma. This article is to help you develop just such a transcript. While being scrupulously honest, you want to highlight your student in the best light possible. It is imperative that we provide honest, comprehensive, and clear transcripts. Arizona is really the best state to homeschool, thanks in great part to Arizona Families for Home Education. Because of the AFHE bill, Arizona HB 2389, all state governmental agencies now must accept homeschool transcripts without needing an accompanying GED (see ARS §1-701). Not only is it an encouraging synopsis of your student’s high school years, and not only is it necessary to apply for college, but now it is extremely helpful for applying to work for all state governmental agencies.

home schooling in arizona home schooling in arizona

Producing a homeschool high school transcript is more important than ever.

Home schooling in arizona